Sunday, January 27, 2013

A rare find : a Heinrich Bohn Oil Painting

Today was one of those Antiques Roadshow kind of days. We took a rare day off to do what else, buy antiques, and at one of our usual antique mall haunts ,we found this painting. Just sitting on a floor amongst a lot of, quite frankly, junk.

Its an oil painting by the artist Heinrich Bohn 1846-1883. He is best known for the luminosity of his works. Its not everyday that you find a masterpiece in an antique mall booth.

When you come across something like this. You find yourself looking around and immediately grab it. Obviously the dealer,who probably picked it up at small estate sale, had NO CLUE what it was, or what it was worth. We paid for it and out the door back home.

That's how rare art is found, in the most unlikely places, when you LEAST expect it!

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