Friday, August 22, 2014

New Blog Focuses on Midwest Preservation

We  have started a new broader based preservation blog at your request. This new blog Rustbelt Preservationist takes a look at Historic Preservation issues across the Midwest and focuses on promoting endangered properties and historic preservation opportunities. We expect to focus on Historic Preservation Bargains with our new Friday edition called "Friday Fix!" which will focus on preservation opportunities under 25K

This will allow us to focus this blog more on Historic Period Design, antiques, our restoration work and Victoriana in general. We hope you will check out Rustbelt Preservationist and add it too your reading list. Don't forget to support our sponsors and advertisers who make bringing this information to you possible.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Antique Of the Week: A Great Summer Cover with Surround!

Antique Of the Week features affordable antiques and architectural pieces aimed at the old house restorer.

Summer Covers with surrounds are getting impossible to find. This one has great detail and is designed to work with your tiled fireplace, which more than likely doesn't have one. Measures 23 1/2 inches wide and 27 1/2 inches high, the inside arch is 17x 24 1/2 Estimated ship weight is about 30 lbs.

Priced at 225.00 . We are not offering shipping with this but can put you in touch with a shipper our buyers use locally who has an excellent reputation for properly packing and shipping items like this. Interested? Contact me at

We have a wide variety of antiques and architectural salvage so do not hesitate to let us know what you are looking for.